/*! @license
* Shaka Player
* Copyright 2016 Google LLC
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* @export
shaka.util.Mp4Parser = class {
/** */
constructor() {
/** @private {!Object<number, shaka.util.Mp4Parser.BoxType_>} */
this.headers_ = [];
/** @private {!Object<number, !shaka.util.Mp4Parser.CallbackType>} */
this.boxDefinitions_ = [];
/** @private {boolean} */
this.done_ = false;
* Declare a box type as a Box.
* @param {string} type
* @param {!shaka.util.Mp4Parser.CallbackType} definition
* @return {!shaka.util.Mp4Parser}
* @export
box(type, definition) {
const typeCode = shaka.util.Mp4Parser.typeFromString_(type);
this.headers_[typeCode] = shaka.util.Mp4Parser.BoxType_.BASIC_BOX;
this.boxDefinitions_[typeCode] = definition;
return this;
* Declare a box type as a Full Box.
* @param {string} type
* @param {!shaka.util.Mp4Parser.CallbackType} definition
* @return {!shaka.util.Mp4Parser}
* @export
fullBox(type, definition) {
const typeCode = shaka.util.Mp4Parser.typeFromString_(type);
this.headers_[typeCode] = shaka.util.Mp4Parser.BoxType_.FULL_BOX;
this.boxDefinitions_[typeCode] = definition;
return this;
* Stop parsing. Useful for extracting information from partial segments and
* avoiding an out-of-bounds error once you find what you are looking for.
* @export
stop() {
this.done_ = true;
* Parse the given data using the added callbacks.
* @param {!BufferSource} data
* @param {boolean=} partialOkay If true, allow reading partial payloads
* from some boxes. If the goal is a child box, we can sometimes find it
* without enough data to find all child boxes.
* @param {boolean=} stopOnPartial If true, stop reading if an incomplete
* box is detected.
* @export
parse(data, partialOkay, stopOnPartial) {
const reader = new shaka.util.DataViewReader(
data, shaka.util.DataViewReader.Endianness.BIG_ENDIAN);
this.done_ = false;
while (reader.hasMoreData() && !this.done_) {
this.parseNext(0, reader, partialOkay, stopOnPartial);
* Parse the next box on the current level.
* @param {number} absStart The absolute start position in the original
* byte array.
* @param {!shaka.util.DataViewReader} reader
* @param {boolean=} partialOkay If true, allow reading partial payloads
* from some boxes. If the goal is a child box, we can sometimes find it
* without enough data to find all child boxes.
* @param {boolean=} stopOnPartial If true, stop reading if an incomplete
* box is detected.
* @export
parseNext(absStart, reader, partialOkay, stopOnPartial) {
const start = reader.getPosition();
// size(4 bytes) + type(4 bytes) = 8 bytes
if (stopOnPartial && start + 8 > reader.getLength()) {
this.done_ = true;
let size = reader.readUint32();
const type = reader.readUint32();
const name = shaka.util.Mp4Parser.typeToString(type);
let has64BitSize = false;
shaka.log.v2('Parsing MP4 box', name);
switch (size) {
case 0:
size = reader.getLength() - start;
case 1:
if (stopOnPartial && reader.getPosition() + 8 > reader.getLength()) {
this.done_ = true;
size = reader.readUint64();
has64BitSize = true;
const boxDefinition = this.boxDefinitions_[type];
if (boxDefinition) {
let version = null;
let flags = null;
if (this.headers_[type] == shaka.util.Mp4Parser.BoxType_.FULL_BOX) {
if (stopOnPartial && reader.getPosition() + 4 > reader.getLength()) {
this.done_ = true;
const versionAndFlags = reader.readUint32();
version = versionAndFlags >>> 24;
flags = versionAndFlags & 0xFFFFFF;
// Read the whole payload so that the current level can be safely read
// regardless of how the payload is parsed.
let end = start + size;
if (partialOkay && end > reader.getLength()) {
// For partial reads, truncate the payload if we must.
end = reader.getLength();
if (stopOnPartial && end > reader.getLength()) {
this.done_ = true;
const payloadSize = end - reader.getPosition();
const payload =
(payloadSize > 0) ? reader.readBytes(payloadSize) : new Uint8Array(0);
const payloadReader = new shaka.util.DataViewReader(
payload, shaka.util.DataViewReader.Endianness.BIG_ENDIAN);
/** @type {shaka.extern.ParsedBox} */
const box = {
parser: this,
partialOkay: partialOkay || false,
reader: payloadReader,
start: start + absStart,
} else {
// Move the read head to be at the end of the box.
// If the box is longer than the remaining parts of the file, e.g. the
// mp4 is improperly formatted, or this was a partial range request that
// ended in the middle of a box, just skip to the end.
const skipLength = Math.min(
start + size - reader.getPosition(),
reader.getLength() - reader.getPosition());
* A callback that tells the Mp4 parser to treat the body of a box as a series
* of boxes. The number of boxes is limited by the size of the parent box.
* @param {!shaka.extern.ParsedBox} box
* @export
static children(box) {
// The "reader" starts at the payload, so we need to add the header to the
// start position. The header size varies.
const headerSize = shaka.util.Mp4Parser.headerSize(box);
while (box.reader.hasMoreData() && !box.parser.done_) {
box.parser.parseNext(box.start + headerSize, box.reader, box.partialOkay);
* A callback that tells the Mp4 parser to treat the body of a box as a sample
* description. A sample description box has a fixed number of children. The
* number of children is represented by a 4 byte unsigned integer. Each child
* is a box.
* @param {!shaka.extern.ParsedBox} box
* @export
static sampleDescription(box) {
// The "reader" starts at the payload, so we need to add the header to the
// start position. The header size varies.
const headerSize = shaka.util.Mp4Parser.headerSize(box);
const count = box.reader.readUint32();
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
box.parser.parseNext(box.start + headerSize, box.reader, box.partialOkay);
if (box.parser.done_) {
* A callback that tells the Mp4 parser to treat the body of a box as a visual
* sample entry. A visual sample entry has some fixed-sized fields
* describing the video codec parameters, followed by an arbitrary number of
* appended children. Each child is a box.
* @param {!shaka.extern.ParsedBox} box
* @export
static visualSampleEntry(box) {
// The "reader" starts at the payload, so we need to add the header to the
// start position. The header size varies.
const headerSize = shaka.util.Mp4Parser.headerSize(box);
// Skip 6 reserved bytes.
// Skip 2-byte data reference index.
// Skip 16 more reserved bytes.
// Skip 4 bytes for width/height.
// Skip 8 bytes for horizontal/vertical resolution.
// Skip 4 more reserved bytes (0)
// Skip 2-byte frame count.
// Skip 32-byte compressor name (length byte, then name, then 0-padding).
// Skip 2-byte depth.
// Skip 2 more reserved bytes (0xff)
// 78 bytes total.
// See also https://github.com/shaka-project/shaka-packager/blob/d5ca6e84/packager/media/formats/mp4/box_definitions.cc#L1544
while (box.reader.hasMoreData() && !box.parser.done_) {
box.parser.parseNext(box.start + headerSize, box.reader, box.partialOkay);
* A callback that tells the Mp4 parser to treat the body of a box as a audio
* sample entry. A audio sample entry has some fixed-sized fields
* describing the audio codec parameters, followed by an arbitrary number of
* appended children. Each child is a box.
* @param {!shaka.extern.ParsedBox} box
* @export
static audioSampleEntry(box) {
// The "reader" starts at the payload, so we need to add the header to the
// start position. The header size varies.
const headerSize = shaka.util.Mp4Parser.headerSize(box);
// 6 bytes reserved
// 2 bytes data reference index
// 2 bytes version
const version = box.reader.readUint16();
// 2 bytes revision (0, could be ignored)
// 4 bytes reserved
if (version == 2) {
// 16 bytes hard-coded values with no comments
// 8 bytes sample rate
// 4 bytes channel count
// 4 bytes hard-coded values with no comments
// 4 bytes bits per sample
// 4 bytes lpcm flags
// 4 bytes sample size
// 4 bytes samples per packet
} else {
// 2 bytes channel count
// 2 bytes bits per sample
// 2 bytes compression ID
// 2 bytes packet size
// 2 bytes sample rate
// 2 byte reserved
if (version == 1) {
// 4 bytes samples per packet
// 4 bytes bytes per packet
// 4 bytes bytes per frame
// 4 bytes bytes per sample
while (box.reader.hasMoreData() && !box.parser.done_) {
box.parser.parseNext(box.start + headerSize, box.reader, box.partialOkay);
* Create a callback that tells the Mp4 parser to treat the body of a box as a
* binary blob and to parse the body's contents using the provided callback.
* @param {function(!Uint8Array)} callback
* @return {!shaka.util.Mp4Parser.CallbackType}
* @export
static allData(callback) {
return (box) => {
const all = box.reader.getLength() - box.reader.getPosition();
* Convert an ascii string name to the integer type for a box.
* @param {string} name The name of the box. The name must be four
* characters long.
* @return {number}
* @private
static typeFromString_(name) {
name.length == 4,
'Mp4 box names must be 4 characters long');
let code = 0;
for (const chr of name) {
code = (code << 8) | chr.charCodeAt(0);
return code;
* Convert an integer type from a box into an ascii string name.
* Useful for debugging.
* @param {number} type The type of the box, a uint32.
* @return {string}
* @export
static typeToString(type) {
const name = String.fromCharCode(
(type >> 24) & 0xff,
(type >> 16) & 0xff,
(type >> 8) & 0xff,
type & 0xff);
return name;
* Find the header size of the box.
* Useful for modifying boxes in place or finding the exact offset of a field.
* @param {shaka.extern.ParsedBox} box
* @return {number}
* @export
static headerSize(box) {
const basicHeaderSize = 8;
const _64BitFieldSize = box.has64BitSize ? 8 : 0;
const versionAndFlagsSize = box.flags != null ? 4 : 0;
return basicHeaderSize + _64BitFieldSize + versionAndFlagsSize;
* @typedef {function(!shaka.extern.ParsedBox)}
* @exportInterface
* An enum used to track the type of box so that the correct values can be
* read from the header.
* @enum {number}
* @private
shaka.util.Mp4Parser.BoxType_ = {